Identifying those green shoots

For the last 3 weeks we have finally seen a little bit of growth which we hope is going to be that little bitconsistent, i.e. whether this continues its upward trajectory or not – we don’t know. All you can do is analyse things to the nth degree and say with a little...

Finding Investment gems to invest in

Like most people I have been very depressed looking at the various markets over the last 6 months because all they did was go down and further down. Most investors by now have lost something like 20% – 30% of their previous portfolio – so yes it has been very...

Investing in variable markets

My last blog (before my holidays that is) was at the end of May when I saw some little green shoots coming through.  Came back from holidays and those shoots had shrunk back into themselves something terrible and dashed any of my hopes that we were maybe just maybe...

Investing in Uncertain Markets

Looking at the markets this morning – the last day of May 22, we actually see little shoots “maybe” coming through the gloom, and only time itself will tell us if they are shoots or not.    Values today are almost the same level as they were at the...

Investing in a falling market

At times like this when it seems that the market only goes down, then you need to approach things slightly differently. There is no sense in merely putting money away only for it to fall – so you need to do your homework first. First of all I would say that you NEED...

Investing in general terms

No wonder the public are confused about investing when everyone and their granny has a different way of looking at things. Some people follow fund managers, some follow fund companies, others will look at what is happening in the world and pick companies affected –...